Delicious Wild Garlic Pesto


“This is a very simple recipe, providing you  are in the right season for foraging wild garlic.”

It’s another wet morning here in Belfast. We’re in the middle of May, yet it feels like Autumn. It’s cold and wet, we’ve even had hail showers! My spring garden blooms will not like this.

As usual my morning starts with a dog walk. So in between showers, I throw Rudy (my 6 year old Golden Retriever) into the back of the car and head off to a forest trail.

I’m fortunate enough to live near a forest park with an abundance of free to forage food; hazel nuts, berries, mushrooms, even bamboo shoots! Over the last month the wild garlic along the woodland paths has been plentiful. This morning it is particularly pungent as the spring sun shines onto the lush wet forest. The forest is alive!

Wild garlic (or Ramsons) usually come into season in Ireland around the middle of April.  It can be  found clustered  in woodland areas, by streams or river banks. It can be identified by its long, wide leaves and when in full bloom, pretty white star-like flowers. You will probably smell wild garlic before your find it!


Today, the wild garlic has flowered which means its season is almost over.  Fortunately for me, I’m a regular on this trail. Over the past few weeks I’ve been foraging the odd leaf or two, adding it to roast vegetables, making filled parcels with it, and adding it to the occasional salad.

When foraging for wild garlic the golden rule of thirds applies; only take on third of the plant, leaving two thirds.  There’s no need to be greedy, there is plenty in the forest to share.

Whilst Rudy is chomping on a nice big stick, I set about gathering a nice big handful of the lovely lush leaves.


Delicious Wild Garlic Pesto


50g wild garlic leaves, washed

25g of pine nuts.  Or whatever nut your prefer, cashews and hazelnuts work well.

200ml olive oil.

40g Parmesan cheese

A squeeze of lemon juice (optional)

Black pepper and sea salt to season.


Place all the ingredients (minus the olive oil) into a food processor and blitz until smooth. Then slowly add the oil, little by little until  if you get the preferred consistency.

Season with sea salt and ground black pepper and taste. Transfer to sterilised jars and top with an extra drizzle of oil to create a seal. The jars will keep in the fridge for at least one to two weeks.

Wild garlic pesto is delicious with fresh pasta, swirled through soups and stews, or served as a condiment to baked potatoes. It also works really well with lamb and chicken.  You could also try using it as a salad dressing or adding a few dabs into your favourite panini.

80% Of People Feel Like They’re Stuck In A Rut.

stuck in a rut

I was listening to the radio this morning, and the presenter announced that;

“80% of people feel like they’re stuck in a rut.”

Now, I don’t know where he was getting this figure from but it got me thinking; That’s a hell of a lot of dissatisfied people!
Looking back, I used to be in the 80%.
I was caught in the daily motion.
I’d get up at ridiculous o’clock, and commute in bumper to bumper in endless traffic. Haul myself into work with that feeling of dread, only to spend my day with a bunch of people I didn’t particularly like. Where we had meetings about meetings. We filled out duplicitous paper work, for people to file away and never read. Always endlessly clock watching. Counting down the hours, minutes, until it was time to get back into my car, and drive home bumper to bumper in the never ending traffic! Haul myself into the house. Heating up last nights left over chilli. Then slump in front of the TV, where I was barely fit to talk to my partner (who was in much the same state!) and watch some mind numbing crap until it was time to go back to bed, and do it all over again tomorrow.
Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
Then once a month, money would come into my bank account! Only for it to be direct debited out the next day.

The cycle continued, month in month out, year in year out. Next thing you know a decade has gone by. Your waist band has increased, and your not quite sure who you really are anymore.
Yeah, I remember that 80% feeling!

But for me, something changed.

I had crossed over into the other 20%.

But how?

T-Shirts with a Positive Attitude!

T-Shirts with a Positive Attitude!

I’m sure you will like our new range of t-shirts, great for those summer days, or just for adding a little focus and motivation down at the gym.