How To Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude!

From time to time we can all feel like we’re stuck in a rut. Some people live there permanently! You may be one of them. It used to be my reality too. So let me share with you the secret to getting out of a rut; it’s called gratitude. It’s a simple concept. It’s about setting time aside, pushing your perceived problems to one side, and starting feeling grateful for all the truly amazing things you have in your life. The everyday things we often we take them for granted.

“Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things.”

                                                                                                                           ~ Bob Proctor


I’m going to help you adopt an attitude of gratitude, and this is how…

1) Morning glory

Every morning take time to make a list of all the thing you are grateful for. You don’t necessarily have to write a physical list, you could do this mentally perhaps as you lie in bed, or as you commute to work or school. Often, when people start to compile gratitude list, they focus on the material things they value. That’s OK but remember to to include why you are grateful for it.

“I am grateful for my home. It’s keeps me warm, and protects my family.”

2) Goodnight Ritual

Last thing at night, before you go to sleep, I want you to repeat the same exercise. This time I want you to focus on all the good things that happened to you during the day. Now some people would argue very little happened in their day. I doubt this very much, even on the most mundane of days we can find things to be grateful for, such as they kind lady who left you have her parking space at the supermarket.

3) Share to Love

Start sharing your gratitude with other people too. Let people really know how thankful you really are. This could be with a simple verbal response, or even in the form of a gift. When was the last time you bought your partner flowers/chocolates etc just because you love them? Maybe your work colleagues are going through a hectic time, why not take a box of cakes? Or treat your friends to pizza? These are simple actions of gratitude that yield high results.


As you can see, this is a very simple task. Repeat it daily, and I promise you that you will begin to notice subtle changes in your life. Being grateful for all the things we have gives us focus. It allows us to reflect, and truly embrace things that we often take for granted.

It’s very easy to spend our lives bemoaning all the terrible things. It’s a pointless task and serves not purpose. So why not focus on the good things in life instead?

Over the next 7 days, I want you to complete your daily Gratitude Lists. Don’t worry if you feel silly, just do it! After the 7 days are up, I want you to reflect and how you feel. This is habit forming stuff! So keep it up after the 7 day challenge.  I promise you this, you WILL notice positive changes in your mental wellbeing!

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